Direct access to opportunities

Baby boomers and Gen Y a more active than ever in self-selecting their investment strategies. Reliance on third party financial planners and advisors is diminishing as consumers become more savvy with their investment decisions.

Whilst globally recognised brands exist for sectors including travel (e.g., movies (e.g. Netflix), video content (e.g. YouTube), business people (e.g. LinkedIn), recruitment (e.g., automotive (e.g. and real estate (e.g., there is no globally recognised brand for searching a full spectrum of investment opportunities. Accordingly, investors are locked out of opportunities because they are not aware they exist. This is the problem JPM Group has set out to solve.


Our initiative is aimed at creating transparency in the investment industry by providing consumers with access to a full spectrum of investment opportunities. This has the potential to create a more equitable distribution of wealth whilst providing asset owners and investment managers a must-have platform to showcase their opportunities.

In 2020 we put a team together to develop the world's first truly global investment search platform. It enables users to search almost any type of investment opportunity including managed funds, bonds and equities, and also alternative asset classes such as private equity, real estate, businesses for sale, cryptocurrencies, collectibles and more.


This initiative initially began as a family team effort between James Mawhinney's immediate family members, a team of local developers and business development specialists. Shortly thereafter as the platform began to scale we engaged a highly skilled design and development team based in Eastern Europe to bring the platform to life.

This has enabled us to build an A-grade solution which is anticipated to be widely used by investors and asset managers across over 100 countries.

Whilst most investment categories on the platform do not require financial services licensing, certain categories do in some countries. JPM Group is actively engaging with legal specialists in each target market to ensure compliance with local regulations.